Sunday, December 23, 2012

Get Ready, Get Set, Go!

Ryan's science class had a "Chem" Car race lat week.  Ryan worked hard on his car with Dad.  I think Scott had at least as good of time constructing this car as Ryan, judging by the time they spent on it.  Their car is powered by hot water and dry ice.  It goes fast!  Ryan won second place, with a run of 38 ft.  His car would have gone farther but it tipped over.

Bethany is so proud of her medal and prize for reading the second highest amount of books in her class.

Meet the newest member of our family, Ginger the hamster. Ginger loves to chew on everything including us! 

Camille + vacation = books!

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Carter playing his trumpet at the Intermediate School Christmas concert.

Scott took this video on accident while trying to figure out my camera.  It's a little funny but still captures the 6th grade experience! 

Bethany played "O Come All Ye Faithful" at her piano recital.

 Ryan sat on Santa's lap. Anything for candy right?

Carter didn't want to sit on Santa's lap...

Sweet Bethany loves Santa but was still shy.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

First Snow

Bethany loves being outside, especially when it snows.  She was out the door this morning before she even ate breakfast!  Carter played in the snow too, but I was napping (of course...) and I didn't get a picture of him.

Bethany and Friends

Ryan all bundled up, a scout is always prepared!

This is my favorite tree.  I love the contrast of the orange berries with the fresh snow.  The birds eat the berries all winter long.  Their antics make me smile and keep me entertained as I do the dishes.  My children name all the robins that visit our tree "Plumpy" because of the way their feathers puff up when they are cold.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


The weather on Halloween night was unusually warm.  The kids and I were having such a good time that I let them trick or treat longer than I usually do.  Carter and Bethany were actually ready to go home by the time we turned around.  Ryan wanted to go farther but what 13 yr old doesn't?  They brought home way too much candy!  I thought the best part was seeing all the children in their costumes and chatting with neighbors and friends.  We fell in with our neighbors, the Ailshies.  Bro. Ailshie is from a town in Mass. which celebrates Halloween in a big way, so he is something of a Halloween fanatic.  I think he would have been happy to take our kids all over town.  My kids were excited to be with their friends and an adult who was obviously so excited about them getting a lot of candy.

Cute Cat

Carter was an evil clown.  He actually sprayed his hair orange after I took this picture which looked even more clown-like.

The stash! 
 Ryan originally had zombie face paint on but it irritated his skin so much we wiped it off. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fantastic Colors

Autumn is my favorite season of the year.  I love the blue skies, moderate temperatures and most of all the beautiful fall colors!  My garden is at it's best in September and early October.  I wish I could sit all day under my trees and watch the leaves lazily drift down.

My oriental poppy thinks it's spring...

Native Big Tooth Maple

We grew all these and more!

Red sumac and our ash tree in the side yard.

Kid Color!  It was crazy hair and clothes day at Bethany's school.  Carter's school had a crazy socks day.

We Love Fall!

The kids really enjoyed raking leaves this fall.  Our trees are finally getting big enough to make a sizable pile.

Everyone loves our new trampoline!  Carter has mastered his front flip.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bethany's Baptism Day

Bethany was baptized and confirmed on September 29th 2012 by her father, Scott.  It was such a special day for our family.   Bethany was radiant and we all felt her joy.  We are so proud of her!  I don't think there are many places where the spirit is felt more sweetly than at a baptism.  

Camille and I played a flute duet for the program. Aunt Stephanie gave a wonderful talk on Baptism and Grandpa David said the closing prayer.  Our stake president, President Horner gave a talk on the Holy Ghost.  Bethany was baptized on the same day as  her friend Spencer.  The service was small and intimate.  It was great to know almost everyone there and to have so much family participation.  

Bethany in her beautiful new dress with Dad

 Bethany and Scott before the Baptismal service.  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Bethany!

Bethany wanted a Halloween party so I made her this cute cake.

Can you tell that she has brothers?  Bethany added these fine finishing touches.  Notice the tiny yellow ninja that has decapitated all the other people.  Apparently the cake wasn't sufficiently spooky enough without a little gore...

We decorated the house with streamers.  Bethany drew lots of scary Halloween pictures.  


Carrot Cake, Yum!!

Bethany's favorite gift was of course her new blue bike!  Bethany has rejected hot pink except in very small quantities.  I had to search all over for a girl's bike that wasn't pink.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back to School!

 Everyone was excited to go back to school after a long summer vacation. We moved Camille to BYU.  Bethany started 2nd grade with Maestra Zelaya and Ms. Hales. She is learning spanish in the Dual Immersion program.  Carter started 6th grade with Mr. Buell, and Ryan started 8th grade at the middle School.  Bethany and Carter were excited to show off their new backbacks!

Grammy and Pa and Mike's and Stephanie's family came to visit over Labor day weekend.  Most of the boys went hiking in the Uinta mountains.  The rest of us decided to hang out at home and not brave the pouring rain.  Fortunately for the hikers it stopped raining just as they arrived and started again when they finished.  

Anna and Bethany at the park. 

 Ryan loves his new hoodie.

 Aunt Stephanie and Anna

 Aunt Stephanie, Anna, Sarah, Ryan, Grammy and Camille. Bethany took this great picture!

 Camille loves her little cousins!

Bethany started a ballet/jazz class this year. She loves to dance around the house in her new leotard! Bethany was feeling really shy before class started, but after class she said "It was great!"

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Beach!

We celebrated Camille's graduation this year by renting a condo in San Clemente, California for a week. It was perfect!  The beach was beautiful and only a 5 min walk away from our condo.  We loved having a relaxing week with no commitments.  We slept in everyday and read books in the morning.  The kids watched the Disney channel and ate sugar cereal.  After lunch we got sun blocked up and headed down to the beach for the afternoon.  I finally learned to boogie board and loved it!  All the kids braved the waves which is pretty impressive because they were a little rough that week. We took lots of seaside walks, enjoyed the pier and ate and ate... Scot and I had lots of mini "dates" to the grocery store and one real date to the restaurant on the pier.  The fish and chips were sooo good!

Can you tell we're from Utah?

Ryan loved digging in the sand.

George the 3rd

Bethany loved jumping in the waves if she had a hand to hold.

We took a good portion of the beach home with us in our pockets, shoes, bags and hair!

We visited Crystal Cove State Park to see all the tide pools.  We loved climbing on all the rocks at low tide. We found starfish, crabs, some little fish, anenomes, and lots of beautiful shells.

Scott loves the big waves!

What a cutie!

Carter hunting for sand crabs, they didn't have a chance!

Our other bathing beauty!

Our condo backed up to a beautiful little beach canyon.  We got to enjoy the birds and trees whenever we were home. We loved our home away from home!

Scott and I enjoyed visiting Mission San Juan Capistrano.  It was established in 1776 and still has a functioning chapel.   We loved learning the history and touring the beautiful gardens.

Ruins of the " Great Stone Church" which was leveled in an Earthquake in 1812  killing forty people.

The Serra Chapel.  I loved the peaceful feeling in the chapel.  I was reminded that God loves all his children.  The restoration and upkeep of the mission is obviously a labor of love for the Catholic community here.

The flower gardens are a modern addition.  Originally the mission had orchards and food gardens.