Hi! Mom my gave me (Bethany) permission to do the blog (Again!). Ryan's Birthday was on the 24 of December, so we celebrated it a few days early. He got a wallet, movies, and a bathrobe and slippers. Then for Christmas, WE GOT A X-BOX 360!!!!! This is probably the most exciting thing we will EVER get.
Christmas! It finally came!
I have red eyes in this picture... I MUST BE A VAMPIRE!!! I also have large teeth... I MUST BE A GOPHER VAMPIRE!!!
Why are all of the pictures about me? But anyways, I got a really cool kit where you can make drawings out of you THUMBPRINTS!!! Cool, right?
Camille came home for Christmas and got a hat and a scarf.
Apparently, Ringo likes the taste of wrapping paper. Merlin only likes laying in it and basking in the glory of crinkly nosies.
Merry Christmas!!! (Notice Dad's asleep)